Pain in your legs and feet at night, or when trying to sleep, is often a symptom of peripheral artery disease (PAD). I've never really had it until these past few weeks. It causes uncomfortable sensations in the legs that are only relieved by walking or by moving the legs. The calf muscle, like every muscle, has an innervation. This can make our legs feel tired, throbbing and sore. Treatment. It's mostly in my thighs and knees. The cause is not in the legs but in the brain. About. It can feel like a short burst of electricity or a cell phone on vibrate under your skin, which is why the name "pallesthesia" literally . The sensation may also affect your arms, chest and face. Vitamin D. Recent studies show that RLS symptoms are more frequent and more severe in people with vitamin D deficiency. Palpitations. I have had a fluttering sensation in the back of my leg for the last 24 hours. Do you get pains and cramps in your legs and arms at night only, or maybe suffer from numbness if you lie on your arm for any length of time ie dead arm. Try experimenting with a magnesium supplement (250 to 500 mg) at bedtime to see if your symptoms improve. I'm a 15 year old girl who is experiencing heavy pulsing/throbbing in both my legs. Blood clots generally occur in veins, which are not pulsatile, however your doctor can also see a blood clot with ultrasound Helpful - 0 Yes these symptoms could also be described as pulsing, crawling sensations and I am no doctor but they do sound like Thyroid problems to me. You can find that your ankles are swelling, particularly at night. Please respond via text. If you mean "If I use my fingertips to touch myself at a pressure point (groin, for example), is it possible to feel my pulse?" then the answer is definitely "Yes". feeling like fizzy water is inside the blood vessels in the legs. Neijam in reply to lucindajethol 9 years ago. It's in my left leg below knee to my foot. The buzzing sensation often comes and goes at regular intervals (a few seconds of buzzing followed by a few seconds of peace). I had a tattoo recently done on left quad. It doesn't hurt or make my legs feel stiff it just feels like super heavy pulsing and it's starting to scare me. And for many people, the answer for the odd buzzing is "Pallesthesia.". This can happen to you when you jog in the morning, after intense bodybuilding exercise, or following any other physical activity. This fast heart rate can cause pulsations and pressure in your head. Feb 7, 2014 4:21 AM. An irresistible urge to move the legs often accompanies the sensations. Answer (1 of 13): It depends on what you mean by "feel". A burning sensation in your legs may have an obvious explanation, like a leg injury or during or after intense exercise. If it is actually pulsating, you should consider doing that as soon as possible. It's a pulsating sensation like a heart beat, like a throbbing but no pain. Palpitation is the rapid pulsation, usually an abnormally fast and irregular heartbeat which can be caused by anxiety, panic attacks, arrhythmia or vigorous exercise, or heavy weight lifting. The Lindsay Leg Club Foundation Promoting and supporting community based treatment, health promotion, education and ongoing care for people who are experiencing leg-related problems - including leg ulcers and other wound care issues. Pulsating arteries can be a sign of a heart attack. The nerve branch for the calf muscle starts all the way up in the lower spine. Magnesium can improve sleep and some studies have shown it to be beneficial for restless legs. If the nerve is injured or just becomes irritated, this can cause the calf muscle to involuntarily twitch ( fasciculate is the medical . Being diagnosed with venous hypertension/insufficiencies If your legs are tired, throbbing and painful, make a GP practice appointment. It could be a sign of a vascular problem. RLS may be hereditary. Pulse: If you see something pulsating around posterior tibia, it is not a nerve, it is most likely an artery which a normal behavior for arteries. It may or may not be accompanied by pain. Also, my left side third toe gets purplish looking sometimes. Fluttering/Vibrating Sensation in Leg. Peripheral artery disease leg pain can occur anywhere in your leg, but the most common places to feel pain are in the muscles of your calf, thigh or buttocks. Restless Legs Syndrome, also called RLS or Willis-Ekbom Disease, is a neurologic and sensory disorder. 5.2k views Reviewed >2 years ago. Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a condition in which a person experiences uncomfortable sensations in their legs. If you mean "If I lay down quietly (but with my hands/arms at my side), i. If you feel your heartbeat in your knee, you should immediately consult a physician. Throbbing sensations with a vascular origin A vein can produce a throbbing or pulsing sensation in the arms or legs because of the increased blood flow to a particular area due to physical activity. I'm seeing my doc next month and I want to bring up the tingling/buzzing that turns into a Throbb up my entire legs when they get bad. This was one of my first symptoms and I used to lie awake in bed at night listening "to my legs sing." At some point, as time went by, the sensation got so loud, it became pain and aching beyond the thrum. a "creepy-crawly" feeling. A throbbing sensation in the leg is indicative of a problem in its structural components: bones, muscles, tendons, and nerves. It happens randomly at some point every day. One theory is low levels of iron in the brain. Contact details 01473 749565 Find out more on the Lindsay Leg Club Foundation . Its quite unusual to have the acute onset of a pulsatile mass absent trauma to a blood vessel. This is because the blood is pushed into the tissue of your skin. It is the craziest things. This means it has a nerve that supplies the muscle and tells it what to do. JPLonghorn. I don't want to call. Could blood vessels be healing n causing this sensation? Some symptoms can be a sign of a specific type of aneurysm: Pain in the abdomen or lower back extending into the groin and . An unusual pulsing sensation, pain, or a lump anywhere blood vessels are. Thank. Although pin and needle-like pains can occur throughout various other parts of the body, tingling in feet at night is sometimes indicative of poor circulation caused by the inflammation of blood vessels in the body.When the body is unable to provide the feet with the adequate, oxygen-rich blood, a sensation of numbness can occur, followed by a series of sharp twinges. Pulsating arteries are located behind the knee, and they are the ones that carry blood to the lower leg. It feels like a cell phone is on "vibrate mode" or that a butterfly is trapped beneath my skin and it just keeps vibrating or fluttering about every 4 to 5 seconds. It's been described as: tingling, burning, itching or throbbing. Dr. Alan Ali and 2 doctors agree. Injury Varicose Veins Nerve Damage Sciatica Circulation Problems Other Causes Treatment for Leg Pain 2 thanks. Some common triggers of this painful condition are as follows. Tingling at Night: Feet. Restless legs syndrome typically causes an overwhelming urge to move your legs and an uncomfortable sensation in your legs. It could also be the result of damage or exposure to extreme heat, cold, or .